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Consjería de la Renta

Consjería de la Renta

Participation in NHSIE’s programs DOES NOT guarantee or include access to funds/housing assistance.

Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire (NHSIE) works with clients to develop household budgets, determine what they can afford to pay for rent, establish eligibility for assistance, apply for rental assistance, and identify an appropriate unit.

Our counselors can also help renters develop and maintain financial literacy through counseling on budgeting, credit, and financial management. Depending on the situation, we may also educate clients on good rental practices such as obtaining rental insurance, maintaining a healthy home, and preparing for future homeownership.

All Rental Counseling services are free of charge.

Llame a nuestra oficina al 909-884-6891 o programe una llamada telefónica de asistencia: Programar una llamada

Si quiere empezar de inmediato, puede adelantarse rellenando nuestros formularios de admisión.

Tenga en cuenta que nuestros formularios de admisión solicitan una cantidad significativa de información financiera.
Asegúrese de estar preparado para proporcionar estimaciones fiables y el mayor número posible de cifras exactas sobre los ingresos, gastos y deudas de su hogar.


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